Pat P

I loved my experience at Mannequin Madness’s Headdress “Playday”, as I called it! I felt like Alice in Wonderland walking through their doors. I was welcomed by the owner Judi Henderson, then their crafts leader and shown to our worktable surrounded by endless well-organized bins of colorful flowers, beads, ribbons and trinkets that I would choose from to make my creation.

She gave a quick tour, which got my creative side really blooming. The first thing I loved was a sense of “freedom” – the gift of choice - to make something just for ME! In a world where I do so much for others, this got high marks for self-care! Next, I got quick instructions on the process and tools I’d be using. With basket in hand, it was like a treasure hunt, expanding my thinking on ‘what could be’ – exploring possibilities. The actual constructing of my headdress was another wild experience ~ to just stop and focus on something crafty and tactical was powerful. There were no mistakes and no consequences; only lots of laughter and free play time for me! From the start, the middle and finally as I put finishing touches on my beautiful masterpiece (my headdress/crown), it was truly an amazing and rewarding experience. I came through their doors needing a boost that day and during my time there, was so uplifted, happy and motivated to tackle the rest of the day. By the way my headdress was so beautiful, I wore it to my next appointment and later that week to a big luncheon, where I got lots of great compliments! I’ll wear it to my future personal art exhibits. Thank you for such a really unique and fun gift.